Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dinner for 8

A Beautiful lady from our church felt she did not

know a lot of people that she sat by each Sunday.


She came up with the perfect idea....

a dinner for 8, 

We each take a month and prepare 1 meal

for each other and have them into our home.

It can be fancy....

or simple....
( Our hostess found these flowers in her field and herb garden, 
and the small vases at target,  $4.50 for 4... cool deal)

One hostess says she may have all of us meet at Donatos...

and another may have a bonfire with hot dogs...

But at this home we....

we created our own kabobs and the men grilled them....

Our hostess fixed
Corn on the cob, pasta salad and a dish of fruit....

 but the most important ingredient of Dinner's for 8...

laughter,  camaraderie,  new found knowledge..

 relaxation and new found friends....

Our turn is next month,  and I can't wait

I am thinking about grilled cubed chicken,

baked potatoes, and something else

(I haven't figure it out yet, but would love your ideas)......

(a ice breaker game,  my question was:  where did I meet my spouse?)

Think outside the box ...

Go outside your shell.....

Meet new people.....

Make new friends.......

And truly enjoy your summer......



1 comment:

  1. I love the Dinner 8 concept!! My sister's church did it last year and loved it!! My church is sooo tiny that we haven't quite gotten it out of the ground...but we plan to!! Thank you so much for sharing what a great time you had!! Very inspiring!! :)


I love comments! I read every one and canNOT wait to hear from you. Love ya!