Thursday, March 21, 2013

Keep it in perspective

There are times in each one of our lives, when we wonder if anyone can relate, or understand....
Life's circumstances can, just, get the best of you......
And then,  you put things in perspective. ..
And realize their are others much worse off than yourself.
This is my antibiotic I need to get,
Every day for 3 weeks, because of sepsis....
one friend is receiving her last chemotherapy treatment today,
And another friend will be getting her's in a week....
My sister will be facing reconstruction surgery...
An acquaintance just buried her 21 year of baby...
So many!  so manyothers facing far worse ordeals...
I am blessed


  1. How true...always someone worse off. We always have so much to be thankful for. I pray your 3 weeks pass quickly and you are feeling well again. Keep your heart of thankfulness and keep looking up. Blessings.

  2. Thank you Betty, for your prayers. I can see God's hand in every step. And may God bless you also


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