Our Family lives with a limited budget,
so to update and refresh around the house,
we take old and make them new.....
I just reuse the same furniture, of course...
but work to add dashes of new color...
I found this basket at the thrift store
and added color...
You can even start with small flowers (due to cost)
because they will begin to fill your containers in about two weeks.
Also, you can see where I added live flowers at the base of the old silk palm..
I planted this clematis in honor of my grandma,
because she had one that grew on the edge of her porch,
and she would count the blooms every year...
This plant grows back every year and adds so much beautiful color.
If I lived in the south, I would plant a confederate jasmine.... I love the scent they put off
and their look is out of this world...
but up north, it dies off each year... sad huh? well... anyways!!!
I also use things from the house...
that I am tired of, inside.....
I then move it outdoors, because if it ruins, it doesn't matter...
Also, pick up things from yard sales,
I got this vine for 2.00 and it adds life to the porch
It is important to me that my home is a place
of comfort and it is inviting for those that come and visit....
I have worked to make my out side area the same way...
What does your home reflect of you??
It doesn't take much, just a little TLC and a little color....
Go for it!